The Different Kinds of Massage
We all know that getting a massage is relaxing as is sounds. When you think about it, you might just be picturing out getting the regular massage like applying pressure to certain parts of our bodies to relieve stress. But the real stuff is that there are various kinds of massage that have their own benefits as well. Let get to know more on the different kinds of massage and their benefits as well. We never know if you might want to try them all out to experience them.
More Massage Kinds for You
Swedish Massage
The most common massage as we speak is the Swedish massage. This kind of massage has the combination of techniques to help the body relax and relieve stress. These consists of long strokes, applying pressure, using hand friction for heat, some percussive taps to the muscles, head massage and more. The therapist makes sure that your whole body has been applied with the different movements to make sure that you will feel like your whole body has been rejuvenated and eased up from stress.
Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu is defined from the term “finger pressure”. Basically. this is the focus of this kind of massage and is derived from ancient Japan techniques in applying a massage. As from its history, Shiatsu aim to fix and restore the energy flow in your body and also has great healing properties as well. This massage is very good body pains, headaches and improves the circulation within our bodies. Definitely, an ancient Japanese technique that has been practiced up to now.
Hot Stone Massage
This is a very different type of massage since it uses hot stones that will be placed to the different key points of the body. Aside from the heat in the stones doing its work on your body, the masseuse also uses these stones to massage the body as well. The heat plays an important role since it helps release stress and tension from your body, as like the warmth of another’s hand soothes you.
Chair Massage
You might have already seen these chairs on malls, offices or parlors, and this is rather quite a nice and very different type of massage. In this setup, the therapist lets you sit in a forward position and relaxes your head in place along with the compartment in the chair. This lets the therapist focus more on your head, neck, shoulders and back to relieve the stress when we get basically from constant and daily movements mostly in our upper bodies. In this way, might say “Sit front and relax”.